#1 LinkedIn Digital Mafia

People who (actually) have something to say — and say it — on LinkedIn.

Purchase experience > product quality?

Christian Hoppe is an experienced marketer with 10 years in the industry. He is currently the head of online at Waterdrop.


We definitely agree with Christian on this one.

The product price and quality can be big problems that can lose you a lot of customers. 

What usually happens is that marketers overpromise… and then the product can’t deliver.

More often than not there is no connection between the people who create and understand the product and the people who ran the ads online.

This results in marketers promoting product they don’t know enough about. 

Which usually leads to customers being unhappy and disappointed with the product.

In our opinion, the purchase experience has an even bigger impact than the product quality and price.

As Christian said, some of your lost customers who will never purchase again, are still very likely to recommend your product if they had a positive purchase experience.

Churn surveys are an amazing way to improve both your product and the purchase experience. Asking for feedback from your customers is always great, especially when you are asking your “lost customers.” 

They will tell you what was the problem, and you can make sure that it doesn’t happen again.

Lastly, calling your customers is very underrated. A simple call to ensure the product they ordered has arrived can mean a lot to your customers. 

“In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.”

Neil Verma knows how eCommerce brands work better than anyone, in fact, he is the founder of eBrandBuilders.


The essence of branding is that you take a stance. 

And what taking a stance means is that you take your brand in a direction that is focused on certain values. Those are values that both you and your audience believe in.

But this also means that you exclude other audiences that have different values.

This can be a scary step to take.

Especially when you are a young and unstable business. But NOT taking that step may be even scarier. 

You see, there are millions of businesses out there and a lot of them sell the same product and compete for the wallets.

You’re unlikely to outcompete or outbudget or even outtalent your bigger competitors. The one thing you can do is differentiate yourself. And the only way to sustainably differentiate yourself is branding. 

Wait a second, people still do this?

Adam Kitchen is a smart guy that can pull your eCommerce brand some great revenue. He is the CEO of Magnet Monster which is specialized in email marketing. If you don’t work with us, work with them, because they know what they’re doing.


Adam says that any friction you add to your pop-up will decrease the chance of the users signing up. True. 

So what you want to do instead is to collect the data in a multi-step form.

Meaning we first ask for their email address only. After getting the email we can ask for other information in the next steps (including a name, if necessary).

This way we have already received the email in the first step. Any other info we collect is an extra. It won’t affect sign-up conversion rate.

(To be honest, it’s quite shocking how brands still ask for a name field in popups.) 

The most important thing in an ad campaign is…

Valentin Radu is a hugely smart e-commerce marketer and data expert. So is the team at Omnicovert.

Valentin makes a great point here. The offer, creative and targeting are all very important.

He’s also saying that optimizing your audiences is the most important thing to do if you want to scale your business. 

Well, we disagree here. Based on our experience, the creative is the #1 most important thing in an ad campaign.

According to Valentin, if you focus on finding customers that buy more than once you will be more profitable. That’s true.

But what we feel he’s missing is how the proportion of people that buy more than once is always going to be very small vs the ocean of other customers.

In theory, you could 2X your business by optimizing your audiences. But you could 10X it by having strong creative. Why? 

Because strong creative allows you to create new audiences. You draw new people into your universe. People who would have never bought before.

The best strategy for Facebook ad glory?

Need someone to scale your eCommerce shop through Facebook ads? Jakub Szunyogh and his company 10 X ROAS can likely help.


The funnel that Jakub talks about is basically AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action). 

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how you call it. Advertising principles (not tactics, principles) are always constant.

First you need to grab people’s attention. Then show them why your product and brand is interesting and desirable. And lastly, you want to nudge them so they buy. 

A classic old-school direct response ad hits on all of these points in one go. But in recent times, more sophisticated brands produce new creative for every step.

Jakub’s breakdown is a helpful, simple guide on how to do that.

Go ahead, sign up. It will show us you’re interested, and we will make it happen.